The Counter - Being seen in the Workplace…

I remember the moments like it was yesterday. Opening the side door to my parents bowling center called “Tri-City Lanes” in the small town of Seminole, Oklahoma and walking around the long blue “counter” through snack bar and around the corner to clock in for work. Then – grab a cup and scoop the best crushed ice in town to fill it up with coke to start my shift. People walked into the bowling center to bowl, play video games, and eat the delicious food at the snack bar. Along “the counter” were short round bar stools with seats that would spin around and around. So many memories from the “snack bar counter” days were recently triggered while visiting with the CEO of Dennys Restaurants, Kelli Valade on Life in the Leadership Lane podcast.

During my interview with Kelli, she was sharing perspective and tips about the importance of “being seen” and how we show up each day matters in the workplace and in our community. She talked about how we can find connection points with others when we have the courage to be vulnerable and share our stories with others. When we do this – it gives others the chance to connect, relate, and respond with validation or empathy with “I see you”. When I share – I think if it impacted me – then it might have impacted others. Stories of both failure and success – yes – people want to hear about your failure and want to celebrate your success. And when you find people that want to connect – then you have found your lane – a lane like no others with the people that you can serve and learn from long the way!

I can still remember customers and friends sitting at the bowling alley snack bar counter eating the best cheeseburgers in town, cheese French fries, and nachos with jalapeño peppers while playing pool or taking a break from their bowling league. This is what made the bowling center so special – and what makes our workplaces special and feel like something more than a job. We all have this place where we can share our stories which creates deeper relationships and friendships – many lifelong. It’s a time away from school or work to talk about life. We do this at networking events, at our church, and or on social media too. It’s “our counter” to “be seen”. When others see us – it will lead to opportunities ahead for us in our career and in our personal life.

One of the things I wanted in my career was purpose. I remember walking into Armstrong in 2004 and saying to myself, I want to me “more than” a sales guy – I want to be a business leader that could have bigger conversations than boxes and trucks. I want to talk about the things business leaders talk about. This was “my why” when I began my journey to start networking with purpose and listen to others stories to learn and understand ways to connect and be a better resource. When I began to lean in and listen, and share perspective – when I shared my stories – when I shared my challenges – when I shared my needs – and when I shared my connection’s – my job became a career filled with purpose. It became more than a job – it became a calling. Since then, I have been on a mission to help others create “more than a job” in their life – to inspire and change the workplace.

“The counter” is in every workplace – it’s in our volunteer organizations and it’s on social media. It’s about courage and vulnerability, it’s about starting small and sharing from the heart. It’s a place of opportunity and the start of a friendship. It’s about listening, going deeper, and finding ways to serve others. It’s about not being afraid to say “I don’t know how” or “can you show me?”.  It’s about consistency and doing what you say and saying what you do. It’s a mindset to build on your everyday. It’s a mindset to connect to be connected and it’s a mindset to help others connect. I absolutely enjoyed my conversation with Kelli and know you will love it too. Want to hear our conversation? Tune into Life in the Leadership Lane episode 156 on your favorite podcast channel – you’ll be glad you did!

In 2005, my parent’s bowling center was destroyed in a fire, but the memories of “the counter” will go on forever. So much fun having hamburgers with friends at lunch – or after school, working the snack bar and hearing others stories. Next time you see a seat open at “the counter” – in the workplace, or at your favorite restaurant – take it and join the conversation. You’ll walk away full of energy and inspiration.  

So how can others “see us”? Raise your hand for projects, helping someone, sharing your story, volunteering at an organization, raising money for charity, posting on social media, going to a networking event, showing up, being positive, going the extra mile, and more….

Call to action: What would you add to the question above? Do you need to change lanes or accelerate? Have the courage to connect with others at “the counter” in your workplace – and share your story – so others can connect and say --- I see you. I can’t wait to watch your journey ahead!    

This is “Move to Inspire” with Bruce Waller! For more information, call 972-389-5673, or email or check out my social media Facebook and Twitter page. Also, check out to review my leadership books “Life in the Leadership Lane”,  “Find Your Lane” or pick up a copy of my journal “Milemarkers” to start recording your everyday. All books are available on amazon. Be sure to subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel to watch the video podcasts and other messages to help you lead in the workplace! “Life in the Leadership Lane podcast is available on your favorite podcast platform including APPLE, GOOGLE, and SPOTIFY. Interested in a book club? Join our book club “CLIMB” on Facebook.


Quarterbacks Learn from Quarterbacks…


We don’t have to start over…