
When your Chairman of the Board stands up at the end of the meeting to share a message and says “I want to share some wisdom with you today, so you might want to take some notes” – you listen. I recently attended The Armstrong Company National Sales Meeting in Memphis Tennessee. It’s always great to see over 100 sales leaders come together to connect, and share ideas with each other. I always get energized and bring back takeaways – but none bigger than these takeaways from our Chairman, Tom Watson. I once heard there are leaders and those that lead and those that lead inspire. Tom inspires. He energizes and inspires me to not only be a better sales leader, but to share with others so they can be better to. This is why I joined The Armstrong Company 20 years ago – great people make great impact on others.

When you follow these things and you will be a better person, you will make more money, and you will be more successful.

1.      Live by the golden rule. Treat everyone as you want to be treated. Everyone from the President to the man or woman who sweeps the warehouse floor. Everyone! Acknowledge them and show respect

2.      Try to make everyone around you better. Remain humble. Show great humility.

3.      Be generous, if you can be generous – it will change your life. Some of you can be generous in big ways, and some in small ways. It doesn’t matter. Be generous.

4.      Have good manners. Manners will take you places that ability won’t.

If you follow these basic guidelines, I promise you will be a better person, have better relationships, and your life will tremendously more blessed. Thank you, Tom, for being a blessing to me and so many others in your path… and now a blessing to many others you don’t even know because of the “ripple effect”.

What would you add to this list? Let’s build something special for others and there is no better time than this time today. I can’t wait to hear your feedback!

Quote of the day… “Three times a day you need to ask yourself what’s important to you and then have the courage to build your life around that answer.” Tom Watson

This is “Move to Inspire” with Bruce Waller! For more information, call 972-389-5673, or email bwaller@goarmstrong.com or check out my social media Facebook and Twitter page. Also, check out www.BruceWaller.com to review my leadership books “Life in the Leadership Lane”,  “Find Your Lane” or pick up a copy of my journal “Milemarkers” to start recording your everyday. All books are available on amazon. Be sure to subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel to watch the video podcasts and other messages to help you lead in the workplace! “Life in the Leadership Lane podcast is available on your favorite podcast platform including APPLE, GOOGLE, and SPOTIFY. Interested in a book club? Join our book club “CLIMB” on Facebook.


Taste The Fruit


Getting quiet to connect!