3 Questions We Can Ask To Make a Difference!
I first saw Steve Gilliland speak in 2012 at the #SHRM national conference in Atlanta, Georgia and remember walking away inspired. …and now 10 years later, I get to interview him as a #SHRM22Influencer about his upcoming session “Making A Difference” at the 2022 SHRM National Conference and Expo in New Orleans! Steve is an author of multiple best selling books and a member of the National Speaker Association Hall of Fame. He has been speaking at SHRM for 15 straight years and always draws a large crowd.
As a guest on ”Life in the Leadership Lane” podcast episode 106, Steve shared a story about his 6th grade teacher inspiring him and the importance of making a difference that was instrumental in changing the trajectory of his life. His teacher once shared that his students were the reasons why he enjoyed his career so much. He then shared attending a “Success” conference with many well-known speakers that inspired and ignited a speaking career.
During my conversation with Steve, he shared two questions that can change the game in the workplace. The first question we need to be asking is “Who’s on our list?” In fact, he challenges his audiences to name 5 people that have made a difference in their life.
This is a great opportunity to reflect about the people that have shaped our lives over our lifetime. It’s also a great way to engage in a different conversation with your team to go deeper and learn more about them not just in the workplace, but who has shaped their life.
For me, it starts with my parents, then I would also add my 6th grade teacher Gilman (Gil) Davis. Mr. Davis taught me the value of connecting and networking with others when I was running for 7th grade student council president. I remember when he shared with our class one day that we should vote for the person that comes up and shakes our hand and asks for our vote. You can tell if the person is genuinely interested and if he/she is willing to serve. That week, I think I shook all 200 kid’s hands during recess. This is a big part of who I am today. Then I would add my brother, my wife, and my boss to round out my 5. They have all inspired me want to be a better leader in the workplace and in my personal life.
The second question is; “Who’s list are you on”? Who is saying you made a difference in their life? When we invest in people, we get the biggest return in our career.
When is the last time you asked your employee or colleague, or friend one of these questions? I was having dinner the other night with my wife and some of our friends when I asked this question. Everyone in the group was able to go back to a time and name the people that made a difference. Then I asked who has them on their list… PAUSE! Thought provoking…
So here is a 3rd question that I want to ask – “what can we do this week to get on someone’s list”? Answer this question and we will all be making a difference and creating joy for others in our everyday – as well as for us too!
Quote of the day… “The easiest way to serve people is to learn their story.” Amanda Perrydore
Call to action: Tune in to this week’s podcast as Steve shares some of the ways we can make a difference. You can listen on your favorite podcast platform or watch on YouTube! (Links below)
This is “Move to Inspire” with Bruce Waller! For more information, call 972-389-5673, or email bwaller@goarmstrong.com or check out my social media Facebook and Twitter page. Also, check out www.BruceWaller.com to review my leadership books “Life in the Leadership Lane”, “Find Your Lane” or pick up a copy of my journal “Milemarkers” to start recording your everyday. All books are available on amazon. Be sure to subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel to watch the video podcasts and other messages to help you lead in the workplace! “Life in the Leadership Lane podcast is available on your favorite podcast platform including APPLE, GOOGLE, and SPOTIFY. Interested in a book club? Join our book club “CLIMB” on Facebook.