We don’t have to start over…

Growing up in Oklahoma with parents as bowling proprietors, I got to spend a lot of time bowling. I remember being so excited to have a 180 game at the age of 7 during the parent child regional tournament that helped me and my mom place in the “parent/child”regional finals and qualify for the state tournament. So many memories from that day, but none bigger than the day my dad installed one of the first automatic scoring systems in his bowling center. It was amazing how you no longer needed a special wax pencil to write down your score and the hot lamp bulbs to project light so your scores would show up on the white screens above the lanes. These new scorers were amazing and everyone loved them.

So, there I was practicing one day – I had the bowling center to myself as my dad was getting the place ready to open for the day. I was getting familiar with these new scorers and was loving it. I remember bowling during my practice thinking one game how I wanted to get off to a good start. I was probably bowling good, but striving for that really high game. So, I rolled my first ball and got a split in the very first frame – I could believe it. That wasn’t the start I was going for. I then rolled my next ball and missed for an open frame. I remember thinking – I wanted to have a better start, but then looked around and realized nobody was in the bowling center and my dad was in his back office. So, I lifted up the panel and figured out how to “restore” the score. This is basically erasing the previous frame to bowl again. I pushed the button and the score disappeared! Then I got back up to bowl and made a strike. Yes, that is exactly how I wanted to start the game. Then I got a spare and was on my way… but then my dad came around the corner and said – hey I thought you started off with a split? Gulp! I didn’t realize it, but he had been watching the whole time.

Don’t we all feel like like “starting over” from time to time. The day, the relationship, the job, the game, the marriage, the moment, the partnership, anything - everything… I think we all do, but the good news is we don’t have to start over – we can all start from where we are today. Want a new job or a promotion, start learning something new. Want to learn to play a musical instrument, start taking lessons today. Want to shape your brand, start working on this today.

We don’t have to start over to make tomorrow a better day – we just need to start being who we want to be today.

Someone once asked John Maxwell, a famous author that had written about 80 books, what is your favorite book? He said, it’s always my next one. It’s because he has learned things since the first book that has helped him write the next book. He can’t go back and change his first book, because that’s who he was when he wrote it. We all have an opportunity to doing something special – we just need to start where we are. Start connecting with others, start building new relationships, be okay with failure, or something not working out and trying again, being open to asking the question “can you help me?”.

How can you start where you are - without restoring your previous score? For me – it’s about being intentional about my every day. Sometimes we need to change lanes – and not being afraid to give up the good to go for the great. Today is a good day to start where you are – change lanes and try something new. Maybe start by writing down a goal(s) and then sharing with someone to get perspective. That’s always a great place to start where you are… Years later – I bowled a split in the 1st frame once again – but this time I changed my mark (perspective) and bowled 11 strikes in a row to finish for a 278! I was proud of the way I finished strong – and you will be proud too! Change lanes and move your career from success to significance! I can’t wait to see what’s ahead for you.  

Call to action: Write down a goal or something you want to accomplish and get started. Share with someone you know – You are going to be so glad you started!

This is “Move to Inspire” with Bruce Waller! For more information, call 972-389-5673, or email bwaller@goarmstrong.com or check out my social media Facebook and Twitter page. Also, check out www.BruceWaller.com to review my leadership books “Life in the Leadership Lane”,  “Find Your Lane” or pick up a copy of my journal “Milemarkers” to start recording your everyday. All books are available on amazon. Be sure to subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel to watch the video podcasts and other messages to help you lead in the workplace! “Life in the Leadership Lane podcast is available on your favorite podcast platform including APPLE, GOOGLE, and SPOTIFY. Interested in a book club? Join our book club “CLIMB” on Facebook.

Get relocation support for your next employee move or office relocation by reaching out to Bruce at bwaller@goarmstrong.com or visit The Armstrong Company


The Counter - Being seen in the Workplace…


Falling is hard - especially from a tree!