Oh Noooo, I locked my keys in my car!

298 words | 2.4 Minutes

Recently, I was talking with two college students—one about to graduate, the other fresh out of school. Both shared their worries about the future, concerned that their limited internships and experience might hold them back in the job market.

It took me back to the time I arrived on campus for career day many years ago. I got there early and sat in my car, trying to stay cool in the heat. I took off my sports coat, relaxed for a moment, and then—when I glanced at my watch—I realized I was about to be late! I jumped out of the car, only to discover I had locked my coat and keys inside. My shirt was already soaked, and now I was sweating even more. Needless to say, I bombed my interviews and spent the next few hours getting my car unlocked with a coat hanger. I remember the feeling of disappointment and the emptiness not knowing what’s ahead.

Fast forward 30 years… and everything worked out just the way it was supposed to. I just had to find my lane – which included taking jobs that I really didn’t enjoy, but each one was a step to learn grow, each one included failure, and each one prepared me for the future.

To those feeling overwhelmed about what’s ahead – remember to keep perspective:

  • Don’t sweat the small stuff,

  • This too shall pass,

  • Do your best in every role,

  • Keep growing,

  • Keep connecting,

  • Keep believing!

It may seem like you are not aligned for your dream company or dream job today, because the bigger dream job is just ahead. Whatever season you’re in—trust the process, connect with people, embrace the lessons, and enjoy the journey. Your road ahead is going to be amazing.

Quote of the Day:The more you experience in life, the more you have to offer others.” Sara Blakely

This is “Move To Inspire” with Bruce Waller! For more resources, visit www.BruceWaller.com to learn more about relocation support, keynote speaking, Bruce’s books, and Life in the Leadership Lane podcast. Bruce can be reached at 972-389-5673 or email bwaller@goarmstrong.com.


The Key To Career Fulfilment


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