The Key To Career Fulfilment

421 words | 3.4 Minutes

30 years ago, I moved to Dallas Texas to begin a new career in the relocation industry. I had been managing my parent’s bowing center while going to college. A few years after graduation and lots of self-reflection, I decided to make a lane change and relocate my family to Dallas to see what God had planned for me ahead. When I began my career as a young manager, I thought that I was going to run straight to the top and conquer success. Soon I found myself struggling, managing my team, managing my time, and mostly managing me.

But one day I was handed an audio tape by John Maxwell that changed the course for me. It gave me a spark, it gave me confidence, and it gave me hope. I began to stop managing my days and started leading my life. I have been on a growth journey since!

After studying leadership for more than 25 years and interviewing hundreds of high performers on my podcast, I have found they all have had someone give them a spark to help them on their journey. Who was it that helped you?

Then one day, I received a call from a friend that needed his mom to relocate. She was living in an assisted living home, and I could tell it was a stressful time. During the process, I had a different feeling, a feeling of impact. This is when I realized “The Power of HOPE – Helping Other People Every Day”. I had a different feeling that I did and that I was doing work that matters when helping people relocate. Since then, I have brought Hope to my books, my podcast, and my keynote performances. Hope is where it’s at. Hope is the key ingredient to career fulfilment. Hope is the joy we can bring to the workplace and to our everyday. We can all give hope – you can give HOPE! You can change the course of someone’s day with HOPE…

Over the last few months, I have been putting together a video to share this story and have finished sharing with you and others.


I am excited to hear your story. Now is your time… Thanks for sharing this video with others.

Quote of the Day: When you find your lane – there is no traffic!

Want to move your career from success to significance – pick up a copy of my latest book DRIVE WITH PURPOSE and make the most of your journey ahead.

This is “Move to Inspire” with Bruce Waller! For more resources, visit to learn more about relocation support, keynote speaking, Bruce’s books, and Life in the Leadership Lane podcast. Bruce can be reached at 972-389-5673 or email


Anyone Can Do It


Oh Noooo, I locked my keys in my car!