Taste The Fruit

Have you ever been in a conversation when something was said, and you walked away thinking about it? …or something said that makes you pause? That is what happened after my final interview of 2023 on Life in the Leadership Lane Podcast Ep 180 with my sister, Dr. Deanna Huff. We had a fun conversation talking about growing up in the bowling center working for our parents. Deanna shared her story and what led her to a PhD, and all things leadership. We talked about significance and she shared some great advice. It was both energizing and inspiring. Lastly, I asked her the question that I like to  end the show with all of my guests – “what would your 10 year older self say if they were knocking at your door and you answer the door”. It’s my favorite question, and one that often makes me pause or think – including Deanna’s response! She said, “Plant seeds where you are, harvest them, enjoy the process while the fruit is forming, and then taste the fruit”.

She went on to share that many times we get impatient while the seeds are growing, we think we are going in the wrong direction (my hand is raised), and not willing to wait. We need to enjoy the fruit, celebrate with people and wait… and I need to learn to wait better! Many times, we go on after the seeds are sowed and harvested, and start thinking about the next big thing, and when it’s not happening - we get discouraged. So, let’s all pause. Think about your past year and taste the fruit. What seeds did you sow and what fruit formed from it? It’s the season to taste, enjoy with people – then we can plant new seeds in the new year. As I reflect on this year, I think about so much fruit… both professionally and personally:


1.     February - being surprised in St Louis Missouri with the “UniGroup Sales Stewardship Award”. This is Unigroup’s highest honor for sales leadership – and I get chills thinking about that moment and then getting to enjoy with my team members and colleagues from all across the US.  

2.     Getting invited to share more than 30 presentations across the US as a keynote speaker and Emcee at conferences and events to talk about leadership and relocation. Meeting the people is always the best part!

3.     Completing Season 4 of “Life in the Leadership Lane” podcast. Getting to interview some of the most amazing and inspirational leaders in the world and a gift to share the recording with others. So many favorites including our CEO! The conversations and connections are like no other!

4.     Serving NTRP as a board member for my 14th and final year. So many great moments including our conference and Move for Hunger event. What a journey to serve the mobility industry. Look forward to staying connected...

5.     Serving Texas SHRM as the Assistant State Director – Teaming up with our District Directors to drive our mission for 31 chapter leaders across the great state of Texas to help with support and connection while elevating the HR profession. We have an amazing team and have done some great work this year.


6.     We Moved - to get closer to our grandkids – we are now loving Little Elm and finally settled. Moving really is stressful! So honored to get to help others relocating!

7.     Helping raise money for both “Carry The Load” and “Leukemia and Lymphoma Society LLS has been an honor and a great experience to connect with so many.

8.     I finished my 4th in the fall and is scheduled to publish in February 2024! It’s about moving your career from success to significance. Watch for information on the book signing – it’s going to be special. I can’t wait to share more.

9.     My wife and I experienced our first cruise to Alaska. What a moment! It was everything we were hoping for and more. The best part was being with family.

10.  Family time - OU Football games in Norman, Chick-Fil-A Day with Crosby and Sutton, Visiting with our children in the Mile High City… experiencing Chicago, Boston, and DC again, and so much more!

What a journey… As I reflect, I think about the gratitude and the blessings. So many memories, so many conversations, and so many connections. So many tears, memories, laughs, and lessons learned. …and so many selfies and text messages… So much fruit!

I once heard former George W Bush share, “Time dulls the memory.”. It’s a great reminder for all of us to look back on the harvest and be grateful for the moments and lessons learned. It’s a great reminder to enjoy the days – they go by fast. It’s also a reminder to celebrate with others and to celebrate others – that’s significance!

We often don’t wait long enough before moving on to the next. We say great year or tough year – let’s move on. But this season, I want to encourage you to wait a little better and “taste the fruit” before you think about the next harvest and enjoy the moments.  

Call to action: Share something you harvested in 2023 and let’s celebrate together.

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!  I am grateful for you!

Quote of the day… “Lost time is never found again.” Benjamin Franklin

This is “Move to Inspire” with Bruce Waller! For more information, call 972-389-5673, or email bwaller@goarmstrong.com or check out my social media Facebook and Twitter page. Also, check out www.BruceWaller.com to review my leadership books “Life in the Leadership Lane”,  “Find Your Lane” or pick up a copy of my journal “Milemarkers” to start recording your everyday. All books are available on amazon. Be sure to subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel to watch the video podcasts and other messages to help you lead in the workplace! “Life in the Leadership Lane podcast is available on your favorite podcast platform including APPLE, GOOGLE, and SPOTIFY. Interested in a book club? Join our book club “CLIMB” on Facebook.


Common Threads For Success

