The Best Investments for You in 2025
Jim Rohn once said, “if you want more, you must become more” and becoming more requires an investment from you. Today, I want to share some investments that I focus on each year and thought it might help you too… I always get great returns. Wishing you a happy New Year, many blessings, and great returns on your investments ahead.
1. Invest in you - Learn something new this year.
In 2020, I learned how to use our technology for surveying homes for families relocating. Today, I can help anyone around the world. Sometimes, we are pushed to learn, while other times we can pursue it. Other investments might be getting your certification, signing up for speaker classes like toastmasters or national speaker association, or learning to play a musical instrument. When we learn new things, we can share with others and that’s adding value… Stay in pursuit!
2. Invest in your family - Take a vacation.
Each year, we look forward to planning a family vacation. It gets more challenging with kids or when we are in different seasons. One year, we flew to Memphis to watch the “Guitar Drop” at midnight to bring in the new year. Last year, we visited Colorado and this year is going to be Yellowstone. When planning, including family time – it’s why we work!
3. Invest in your network - Be a volunteer.
Earlier this year, I was reading an article printed in 1969 Oklahoman newspaper about the Lions Club Volunteers raising more than $3,000 to pay for a 2 ½ year old boy’s eye surgery. The little boy was born with a tumor the size of a small potato growing behind his right eye. The family didn’t have the money to pay for life threatening surgey and Lions Club of Edmond came through with the funds to make the surgery possible. If it weren’t for volunteers raising money, the little boy would have lost his eye and possibly his life. That little boy was me. Since then I have made volunteering part of my career to help others too… Volunteering will change your career and your life.
4. Invest in your company. Ask questions and be curious.
Early in my career, I read a book about how to think and act like owners. It helped me shape my communication skills using words like “we” and “us” instead of “they” and “them”. It gives the customer and team confidence, and created a togetherness among the company. Every time I hear a leader talking about turning around a company, he always points to culture. If you want a great culture, think and act like an owner. Your leadership will notice and who knows, you just may be an owner one day!
These are just a few investments that will give you the biggest returns in your career and in your life. What would you add? I would enjoy hearing from you too!
Quote of the Day: “If you love your company, if you love your association, if you love your industry… get out there and tell people about it.”
Call to Action: Make one of these investments one of your 2025 goals and watch your ROI soar!
Start tracking your days in Milemarkers: A 5 year Journey - Available on Amazon!
Want more motivation – pick up a copy of my books below – or listen on audio!
Drive With Purpose; Move Your Career from Success to Significance a #1 Best Selling New Release – Now on Audible… Click HERE
Life in the Leadership Lane – Moving Leaders to Inspire and Change the Workplace – Now on Audible… Click HERE
Find Your Lane; Change Your GPS Change Your Career – Now on Audible Click HERE
Looking for a podcast? Listen to Life in the Leadership Lane podcast – Season 6 begins soon!
This is “Move to Inspire” with Bruce Waller! For more information, call 972-389-5673, or email or check out my social media Facebook and Twitter page. Also, check out to review my leadership books “Life in the Leadership Lane”, “Find Your Lane” or pick up a copy of my journal “Milemarkers” to start recording your everyday and Hot Off the Press - Drive With Purpose, Move Your Career from Success to Significance! All books are available on amazon and audible. Be sure to subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel to watch the video podcasts and other messages to help you lead in the workplace! “Life in the Leadership Lane podcast is available on your favorite podcast platform including APPLE, GOOGLE, and SPOTIFY.