The President is Moving!

“Move To Inspire” 241 words | 1.67 minutes to read

Once every four or 8 years, there is a relocation to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for the incoming President of the United States of America. It’s a moving day like no other. Moving is not completed by certified movers. Nope – it’s handled by a White House staff of approximately 100 people due to security reasons. Can you imagine the organized chaos and coordination happening on this day, and the communication? “Hey, can someone grab the other end of that sofa and help me move it? Who scratched the floor? Hurry, hurry, hurry!!!” According to internet reports, moving day for the president takes approximately six hours to complete. It begins when the outgoing president leaves the white house to attend inauguration activities and is completed by the time the new president and his family walk into the White House after taking oath to begin a new term. The relocation includes unloading trucks to move new furniture, hanging new drapes, unpacking clothes in the closets and drawers, and placing favorite foods in the fridge. Now that’s a full moving service. Welcome to your new home, Mr President!

Fun Fact…

Did you know… Ulysses S. Grant, our 18th president, was once given a $20 speeding ticket for riding his horse and buggy too quickly in Washington D.C! (Source

Quote of the Day: “Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages.” George Washington

This is “Move To Inspire” with Bruce Waller! For more resources, visit to learn more about relocation support, keynote speaking, Bruce’s books, and Life in the Leadership Lane podcast. Bruce can be reached at 972-389-5673 or email


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