4 ways to re-energize your career!
I have been hearing from so many leaders about the challenges they are having in the workplace from hiring and training to retention. The great resignation is real and we can see it clearly as people are quitting their jobs and moving to others companies or just leaving the workforce in record numbers. I remember when I signed up to play a sport as a child and wanted to quit when my parents told me that once you start something you cannot quit until the season is over… Well, the season is over for many or maybe we are in a time of re-evaluating our life, our jobs, who we want to be, who we want to work with and more… I have had several guests on my podcast lately talk about this as a time of re-evaluation or a time of realization. Personally, I think we have all lost our energy and it is a time of opportunity for us to reset and re-energize.
So how do we do this… get re-energized? Let me give you a few examples…
Bring ideas to the workplace. When we bring ideas, we energize each other. We build a personal brand that says I am here to help us find ways to serve with excellence. We can also give hope to those that might be stuck… “When we energize, we engage and when we engage, we energize.”
Make it a growth day. We all need goals… they energize us and help us grow. But there is a difference between having goals and having a growth mindset. With a goal mindset, we often plateau… but with growth mindset, it’s lifelong learning. Do you practice daily growth?
Lead with gratitude. I recently shared a story about the Chinese farmer on my YouTube channel. It’s all about perspective. Sometimes what seems bad, may not be so bad. Have you found any silver linings since the arrival of COVID? The best way to keep perspective when having a tough day is to write down all of the good things going on in your life. It is a game changer.
Make it a 5-star experience. How does it feel when you receive a 5-star review, or LinkedIn recommendation? It’s energizing… We all have the opportunity to create this experience for anyone in our path. We can do it in small ways like start and end a meeting on time or call back someone that left you a message on the same day. There are opportunities all around us… it can even be as simple as brining a smile to the workplace. Many people need this right now 😊
In my book “Life in the Leadership Lane”, I talk about these strategies as well as share the importance of choices. We all have the choice to work where we want, or be who we can to be. We just need to make the choice to get started. I want to encourage you to put some of these practices in place and reset and re-energize the new year. Choose to lead and choose to inspire… the workplace and the world need you!
Quote of the Day: “Energize to engage, and engage to energize.” -Bruce Waller
Call to Action: What ideas are you bringing to the workplace? How can you create a 5 star experience? Start tracking ideas and sharing them with others. They will energize you and others in your path!
This is “Move to Inspire” with Bruce Waller! For more information, call 972-389-5673, or email bwaller@goarmstrong.com or check out my social media Facebook and Twitter page. Also, check out www.BruceWaller.com to review my leadership books “Life in the Leadership Lane”, “Find Your Lane” or pick up a copy of my journal “Milemarkers” to start recording your everyday. All books are available on amazon. Be sure to subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel to watch the video podcasts and other messages to help you lead in the workplace! “Life in the Leadership Lane podcast is available on your favorite podcast platform including APPLE, GOOGLE, and SPOTIFY. Interested in a book club? Join our book club “CLIMB” on Facebook.