What’s it like

389 words | 3.1 Minutes

When I ask people during my keynotes, who wants a career with impact? Everyone’s hand goes up. We all want to make a difference. We all want to know that we are making an impact. But how do you know? It comes from feedback. In some cases, we can share feedback on LinkedIn as a recommendation, or we can write a review for someone after we read their book. We can share feedback in a performance review… or we can call someone or send them a note. We can deliver feedback in many ways. But why don’t we do this? Why don’t we share more feedback? Because we don’t ask. It’s the land of the unknown. What if it’s bad? What if it’s something I don’t agree with, or what if I just don’t want to change? I would rather not know… right? Unfortunately, not knowing may just stifle you in your role.

In my book, Find Your Lane, I shared a story from a friend that said, “Feedback is a gift”. It made me pause and think more deeply about why it’s a gift, because it’s not always positive. However, it will always create perspective to help us grow. When feedback is positive, we can accelerate what we are doing. When it’s negative, we have the choice to change or continue down the current path. Many times, I have received feedback and did not change, only to wish later that I would have made the change. Other times, it has motivated me to double down on what I was doing as an executive, or in my networking, or writing, or speaking.

Last week, I started reading the book, “Leveling Up” by Ryan Leak. He asked an interesting question around feedback that has a different twist…

“What’s it like to be on the other side of me?”

Whoa… now that’s something I want to know – or do I? Yes… I do… what is it like? Is it energizing or exhausting? Such a great question you can ask…

Last week, I updated the home page on the website and would enjoy your feedback? What stands out to you? What would you add or change? This is a gift that will help me as I continue to buildout other pages.   

So, what do you need feedback on? Go ahead… its time to ask. It just might change your trajectory!

Quote of the Day: “You will win if you do not quit. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.” Les Brown

Looking for a team building book? Pick up a copy of my latest book DRIVE WITH PURPOSE and make the most of your journey ahead. Oh, and share a review on amazon too! I would enjoy your feedback!  

This is “Move to Inspire” with Bruce Waller! For more resources, visit www.BruceWaller.com to learn more about relocation support, keynote speaking, Bruce’s books, and Life in the Leadership Lane podcast. Bruce can be reached at 972-389-5673 or email bwaller@goarmstrong.com.


The Question That Challenged Me…