The Question That Challenged Me…

329 words | 2.6 Minutes

Recently, I was speaking with a business leader about their employee relocation program when she asked me to describe a challenging experience moving a customer’s household goods and how we handled it. As I considered my response, I realized that the customer defines challenges. What may seem like a smooth and successful move from our perspective could feel entirely different to the relocating family.

For example, we might complete a move without a single damaged item, yet the customer gives a lower score because the delivery date did not align perfectly with their expectations. That is a reminder that success isn’t just about execution - it’s about meeting what matters most to the customer.

To answer the question, I shared a story about a particularly challenging relocation. The family needed a quick turnaround move to deliver in a remote location during the weekend. Given the coordination of the “remote area”, this was extremely difficult, but we leveraged our network and expertise to assign the right van operator and committed to a weekend delivery - which is exactly what the customer needed. It created a great customer experience! You see, the executive was traveling the following week and did not want his wife and kids to deal with delivery and unpacking alone. In this case, timing was the priority – it is what mattered most. For another customer, it might be the careful wrapping of delicate curio cabinet or the white-glove handling of a family heirloom.

After our conversation, I took a moment to reflect. It reminded me about the importance of “defining success” before every situation. Before an interview, or a meeting, or while creating a policy, or planning a corporate event. In this meeting, the business leader shared what success is to their company… so now we just need to plan our service around the answer.

Earlier this week, a customer sent me this picture with a note - “So glad we used Armstrong.” Success! 

What is success to you? Define it up front and build your plan around the answer. That’s it!... and watch your success soar in any role!

Quote of the Day: “The goal is not to be perfect, it’s to be better.” — Allison Rezentes

Want to dive deeper into this topic – pick up a copy of my latest book DRIVE WITH PURPOSE and make the most of your journey ahead.

This is “Move to Inspire” with Bruce Waller! For more resources, visit to learn more about relocation support, keynote speaking, Bruce’s books, and Life in the Leadership Lane podcast. Bruce can be reached at 972-389-5673 or email


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